Wednesday, July 4, 2012

He Talked To A Broken Woman!

The account of Jesus speaking with the Samaritan woman at the well is a touching example of how He sees beyond broken to beautiful …John4:1-26
John 4:20  IF you knew the Gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water.
IF YOU KNEW…you would have asked.
If we knew the gift God had for us…
If we trusted His plan…
If we trusted His purpose…
If we trusted His leadership…
If we trusted His provision… WE WOULD HAVE ASKED!
How many times have we struck out on our own with a relationship, a job, an activity, etc. because what we could see seemed fun, pleasurable, exciting, right?   It was here.  It was present.  We didn’t want to wait. Surely God couldn’t have better for us than this.  We didn’t want to chance it. Or perhaps we felt the was the best we could get.  We didn’t really deserve better, so we settled.   We couldn’t see our true value, so we settled.
Oh, we would NEVER admit we didn’t trust God.  Perhaps we could convince God that this was right – bring Him into agreement with our will.   Surely He could bless this and make it good.
But we didn’t ask, and we didn’t wait.  And somewhere in the future of that moment, the relationship is gone.  The move didn’t work out.  The job was horrible, and we find ourselves “thirsty” again!
Verse 14…Indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring of living water welling up to eternal life.
Yes, this is speaking of spiritual matters, but surely this Word can be applied here.
If  indeed we had asked of Him and waited for His gift of wisdom, His purpose, His will, the relationship He had for us, the job He had for us, it would have been so much more fulfiling,lasting, satisfying, rewarding, living, and active.
If we knew…We would’ve asked.
Perhaps you are in the aftermath of IF ONLY, feeling as if you are so far gone that God is done with you, forgotten about you, tired of dealing with you, etc.  But look at this!!!!!
Verse 17 -18  I have no husband…the fact is you have had 5 husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband.
FIVE!!!!  Five husbands!  And there is no indication she was widowed.  In fact, the context of the scriptures is that she had entered into 5 failed relationships.
Most commentaries concur with the idea that this woman was a reject!  She was drawing water midday because the more respectable women drew water in the earlier cool of the day.  Divorce was indeed a disgrace in those days.  And to be living with a man!!!!  This woman carried shame.  She carried humiliation.  She was likely there with her head hung as low as her self-esteem.  But Jesus WAS NOT shocked! He DID NOT mock or condemn her.  He didn’t even harshly rebuke her.  He didn’t sentence her to wearing a scarlet letter A on her chest.  He just lovingly gave her an opportunity to be open and honest with him.  And surprisingly, she was!
He loved her.  He accepted her.  He revealed Himself to her…and having been exposed to His love, she could not help but share, and (verse 39) many in that town believed because of her testimony!
I guarantee, He removed her shame!  No longer did she walk with her head held low.  He restored her self-esteem.  Surely those who had come to know Christ because of this broken woman’s testimony no longer saw her as damaged, rather they likely saw beauty and value!
And this is EXACLT what He wants to do in for and through you!!! :)  He is in the restoration business!!!
Psalm 24:3 NO ONE whose hope is in You will EVER be put to shame.
Psalm 34:5 Those who look to the Lord are RADIANT and their faces are NEVER covered with shame!
Romans 8:1  There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!!!! :)  :)  :)

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