Wednesday, July 4, 2012

All I See Is Beautiful

Several years ago I was going through a season of sleepless nights.  It was a very different time for me.  I was running from God.  Having been brought up in and serving in the church for so long, I knew the “right” answers and the “right” actions, and precious few people had any clue the turmoil going on inside of me.  My life was littered with sin and the enemy was defeating me with guilt!
On one of these sleepless nights I had an encounter with God that I will never forget.  I was restless and bored and didn’t really know what to do with myself at 3:00 in the morning.  My Bible sat on my table.  It was a security blanket more than anything else, because I could not bring myself to open it.  I decided to sort through a stack of mail.  I picked up a sales flyer for a jewelry store. On the cover was a diamond heart pendant that appeared to be broken.  I recall thinking just that, “It’s broken.”  I HEARD “It’s beautiful”  So I looked at it again and it was beautiful.  And then in my spirit I heard God say, “This is how I see you.  You may appear to be broken to some.  You may feel broken. But all I see is beautiful.”  I sat there staring at this necklace and I began to cry and cry hard.  Was that God?  Was He trying to tell me He still loved me?  He still accepted me?  I still belonged?  Did He just tell me He saw me as beautiful?    Is it possible that God looked beyond all of the situations and circumstances that plagued me right then and He saw hope?  Is it possible that He really did think I was beautiful?
Not only is it possible, IT IS TRUE!  Give Him your brokenness and He WILL give you Beauty!
And it is from this heart that this blog is written.  We may be broken, but He is creating beauty from and within our brokenness. We may appear broken.  We may feel broken.  But all he sees is beautiful!! :)

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