Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hello World

Welcome to Broken and Beautiful!  I am so excited you are here.  It may take me a while to get this thing to look and act like I want it too, but please allow me to explain the reason I started this blog.  I believe that there are many women who feel broken.  The list of reasons we feel this way is endless: faults, failures, bullying, divorce, rape, cancer, rejection, unmet dreams, abortion, addictions, abuse, etc.  Satan will try so hard to use these broken areas in our lives to keep us beat down and defeated.  I have personally experienced many of these in my life.  God sees our brokenness, and it has touched His heart.  What the devil would love to see destroy us, God can and will use to redeem us and encourage others.   Where we look in the mirror and see broken, He sees beautiful.  My hope for this blog is that it gives us a place to heal together, to grow together,  to encourage, and to come to know what it is to be truly Beautiful!!
I will be sharing my testimony as to how this came to be in my next blog.  I love you all…and I am so excited to share this journey with you!!! :)

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